Role Of Advanced Practice Paramedic

By Essie Osborn

Every now and then, various accidents are happening calling for emergencies that need quick response. To be able to handle such situations as fast as possible, there is need for special training for people who are responsible for such cases. Advanced practice paramedic is an important factor to consider in order offering first class life saving services.

The major aim of the program is to lower the occurrence of medical crises among people with special health conditions. These patients are in need of constant observation from medical personnel. Taking measures that will improve the general health of the affected person will eliminate the need for emergency medical response. When this is achieved, patients will spend less money in hospitals. It also relaxes the burden on all taxpayers.

One of the major roles of paramedics is to respond to emergencies. In incidences like those of an accident road, fire, earthquake or any other, they are the first to arrive there and assist those injured in the accident. If it were not for these people, many individuals would be losing their lives because of lack of quick response. They attend to the victims quickly by giving them first aid as they are rushed to the hospital for further treatment.

Another aim is to have mental health patients and those recovering from drug addiction to get medical attention in other places apart from emergency rooms. This will happen only when the patient does not have any other health complication. Medical experts who respond to the patient will determine if the patient can get proper medical attention in another facility apart from the emergency room.

Mental right hand is an alternate administration that is offered by these people. When they get to the region where the catastrophe has happened, they can evaluate those people in stun. It may require some investment to recoup from stun thus the patients need to go to a few classes to mend.

Not only are these individuals used outside the hospital because at times there are no emergencies. They also offer their services in the hospital to assist the doctors and nurses. In cases of critical condition they are needed especially in the intense care unit. In such cases they can be offering services to the patients like first aid classes as they wait to see the doctor. They assist in responding to emergencies in the hospital.

When they arrive to the scenario where the accident has occurred, they usually have the necessary equipment ready. These include special equipment to transport the patient from one point to the other because some are in critical condition. Some may have broken spinal cord and need to be handled with care while others are injured badly that they need equipment like wheel chairs to prevent further injuries.

The paramedics can operate own their own while awaiting the arrival of an ambulance. They can also provide extra equipment or medication to ambulances when required. All people who work as paramedics in the program have to be trained appropriately. The training is conducted in-house and it consists of 200 didactic and 128 clinical hours. This exposure is designed to equip the paramedic with the right knowledge to respond to various medical situations.

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