3 Tips To Get A Guy To Fall For You

By Sasha H. Peterson

Have you found a really cute guy that you're interested in? Do you wish that he would make the first move? Do you want to get his attention but you don't want to be too pushy? How can you get the attention of the man you're interested in especially if he has a lot of women that are interested in him?

Short of asking him out yourself, there are many ways to create a connection with that special guy. While being up front and honest might be refreshing, pushy women are often a turn off for most men. A man still wants to be a man and you probably wish that he would approach you first. You want him to chase you. You want that romantic feeling that he picked you and not the other way around.

Not matter what, try to be true to yourself at all times. If you've done any research on him and you know a few things about him, resist the temptation to like the things that you know he likes. Try not to be someone that you're not. We all like honesty and it's much less confusing if things do work out if you haven't misrepresented yourself in any way. There's nothing wrong with you. You are lovable just as you are. If he likes football and you can't stand the sport just tell him that it's not your thing. If you like he's going to know it and you'll look like a fool instead of someone that doesn't enjoy football. There's no shame in that.

We all have more than a few skeletons in our closets. Maybe you have made a few mistakes in your life or you are ashamed of where you come from. Even if it is easy to avoid these topics when asked, tell the truth. In the beginning stages of a relationship, men are very non-judgmental and if he likes you he will accept you as you are. There's no reason to hide anything. You might feel uncomfortable being asked the question but think about how he is going to feel when you tell him the truth. He is going to feel bad about bringing up a topic that might not have a pleasant answer but also, you will have shared something with him that not too many people know about. This will create a bond between the two of you and it will actually help your relationship.

As you get to know each other and you start communicating, listen more and try to speak less. It doesn't matter if you're talking face to face, over the phone or exchanging text messages. Avoid the trap of being the one doing all the talking. While many men might be used to such one sided conversations, you want to appear different. In addition, you want to get to know him and bond with him. If you can ask him some good questions that lead to answers that require further details you can drill down into his life. If you are persistent enough and you allow a man the opportunity to talk, he will eventually feel safe enough with you to share his hopes, dreams and innermost thoughts. He will feel close to you and bond with you in a way that will make him feel like he has always known you.

Try to be as happy and optimistic as possible. Smile, laugh and be happy. While everyone has troubles in their life, avoid sounding negative at all cost. Women who are bubbly and vivacious are often the ones that you will see with many men chasing after them. There is a reason behind this. Men like to be around happy women. They're fun and nobody enjoys spending time with someone that is depressed or who complains about life. Even if you have something to complain about, laughing it off or being optimistic about the fact that things will make him look at you as strong and different from other women.

If you feel that flirting is out of style or just not your thing then think again. Flirting is one of the most powerful weapons that you have in your arsenal to get the attention of the man of your dreams. Men are visual so anything that you can do to visually allow him to get the message that you're interested in him will work. He might not hear your words but if you wink at him, he will get the message. If you flip your hair and then look up at him through a lock of hair, he will forget what his name is. Flirting works and if you think that it won't work for you then there is surely another girl out there that will prove to you that the guy you're interested in is susceptible to flirting.

Getting a guy's attention is easy. Keeping him interested is a whole different story. What you have learned here can and will make any man understand that you are interested in him. He will know that you find him attractive and he will want to get to know you better. You can test these tricks out starting right now if you want to. A walk around the shopping mall should find you some likely volunteers and don't be surprised if you get asked for your number. Once you feel confident, try these methods out on the man of your dreams and let him sweep you off your feet.

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