Answer To The Question Will The Antichrist Be A Muslim?

By Essie Osborn

Literature about the judgment day as recorded in the Koran and the bible has led to a rift between Christians and Muslims. The interpretation of readings in the holy books has led many people to ask, will the antichrist be a Muslim? Theologians from both religions have given justifications regarding this suggestion leaving followers to make personal conclusions.

The Koran gives an account of an Imam whose return shall signal the judgment days. He is said to have disappeared at a tender age but is to come back before the final judgment. His return should be taken as days towards the end of the world. The accounts in the bible indicate that a ruler will rise at the same time. Those making the conclusion on Muslims base their answer on such reading.

Christians are told to be watchful for the king whose rule comes before the Day of Judgment. Verse four in the book of revelation chapter thirteen gives this account. One promise to be made by this king is peace for Israel for a period of seven years. The promise is bound to be broken. The reign will be characterized by dictatorial stunts and anarchy. This becomes a sign of an ending world.

Among the signs that people should watch out for towards judgment day include the breaking of a promise to deliver peace to Israel. The ruler takes the title of the beast by dictating his wishes over the people and demanding to be recognized as god. Intrigues and trickery shall be used to identify him. It is the coincidences of a returning Imam and the rising ruler that drive many people into that conclusion.

Doubts about the relationship between Muslims and the antichrist emerge when one reads the book of Daniel. He introduces the return to reign of the Roman Empire. This kingdom is to be under a king ruling with intrigues, deceit and claiming equality with God. The mention of Roman Empire shifts focus away from Islam.

The Roman Empire was located in Europe. This is an area with very few Muslims and therefore makes it impossible for them to be rulers in a natural situation. Their population makes it impossible for them to rule. Muslims and Israel have a very bitter and acrimonious relationship. This makes it almost impossible for the seven years of peace to be achieved. This is one line that puts doubts into the discussion.

The debate around the beast is more of a theory than real possibility. For one to rule in this regard, he must find acceptance among both Muslims and Jews. A half cast between Jews and Muslims would be very acceptable. Muslims would regard him as their lost Imam while Jews would consider him their own and therefore allow him to rule.

Cross reading the Koran and the Bible has led to the conclusion about an Islamic beast. Christians are warned of deceitful rulers who will come towards judgment day. The kings who do not proclaim Christ as their Lord and Savior should be disregarded. Christians should also be aware of the deceit and intrigues perpetuated by such rulers.

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