Faith And Worship In Different Religion

By Anita Ortega

Having total and complete belief in either an individual or a particular thing is what is called faith. Occasionally, faith and worship are experienced together. Devotion in most people is directed to a being that is perceived to be superior to all others. Different people have different beliefs. Christianity; Islam and Hinduism represent some of the faiths.

The main include the Muslim, Hindu and Christianity. Pagans are the people who do not have any belief. The belief is centered on a being that cannot be touched or seen; it merely depends upon a conviction of its existence.

There are different types of worship. It can be done through songs of praise. Worshipers are those who engage in the praises. Sacred songs are sung to these various gods to express surrender, submissiveness and respect. It is also a way of giving gratitude for the blessings in their life. They owe their existence to the supreme beings and view their well-being as a debt to the various supernatural beings.

Sacrifices and tithes can also be used to express love and admiration for God. This involves sacrificing one belongings as gifts to the gods. This too is a way of appreciation. Tithes are also offered. This is just a mere 10%of a person, belongings. They do this as a means of showing thanksgiving because of their property. By doing this, they expect that they will keep on attaining blessings hence owning more than they had.

Different faiths have different worship venues. Churches are used by the Christians. Muslims use mosques while Hindus use the Temple. Shrines were used by the traditional African societies to conduct devotion. Sacrifices in form of animal slaughter and libations would be poured in these places so as to please their gods.

These two are correlated. It is not possible to worship when one lacks faith, the two must be practiced or carried out simultaneously . In addition to that, curses also exist. A curse is a form of punishment to those who go astray. It comes in many forms. People may suffer illnesses, poverty, natural disasters, bareness and even death. To get rid of these curses individuals have to right the wrongs they made so as to obtain forgiveness and have their happiness restored.

The different types of religions believe that when their time is done in this world, their supernatural maker has a place preserved for them. This is the place where they obtain eternal peace. Each belief has a different version of this type of place. The worshipers make it their purpose in life to live according to the doctrines of a particular faith so as when they die, they may join their creator and find solace.

In each religion, there are chosen people who are supposed to lead the believers in the journey of conviction. These are called the elders. Their work is to make sure that order exists in devotion and they also lead people against going astray of the faith. The worshipers feel a sense of togetherness, a sense of belonging and this gives their life purpose and this is what makes these two very important.

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