Is The Muslim Antichrist For Real

By Essie Osborn

Contrary to how it may seem, the prophecy that there will be a Muslim antichrist is further proof that there is more to unite the three religions of Abraham (Judaism, Islam and Christianity) than there is to divide them. In the Book of Genesis, it is revealed that Abraham is the father of both Ishmael and Isaac, the patriarchs of the Islamic nation and the nation of Israel, respectively.

God made a promise to Abraham that he would father a great nation. Sarah was long past the age when a woman is physiologically capable of giving birth. Having lost faith in God's promise, Sarah arranged for her servant, Hagar, to have a child by Abraham. Hagar and Abraham agreed, and Hagar got chucked out of the house for her troubles as soon as Sarah got wind she was pregnant.

An angel of the Lord sees Hagar fleeing from her angry mistress. He told her that she would have more descendants than she could count, and to go back to Sarah. He also told her that her baby's name would be Ishmael, and that he would turn out to be a "wild donkey of a man" and live in hostility with all his brothers. Hagar returned to the household of Abraham and Sarah and had her baby, whom Abraham did christen, Ishmael. At this time, Abraham was 86 years old and Sarah, 77.

As Ishmael enters his teens, God comes before Abraham and lets him know that he will finally fulfill his promise to Sarah and give her a son. He tells Abraham to name the child Isaac. He assures Abraham that he will bless Ishmael with 12 sons. They will become the rulers of a great nation.

While Isaac is a little boy, God gives Abraham one more test of faith. He tells him to go into the mountains with Isaac and offer him in sacrifice as a burnt offering. At the last possible moment before Abraham carries out God's instructions, an angel appears and prevents him from raising his knife at the boy. Isaac fulfills his destiny of becoming the grandfather of the twelve men who will lead the tribes of Israel.

Some people think that just because Christ doesn't enter the picture for another fifteen hundred years or so, Christianity is a newer religion and so less valid. This is hardly the case. Christ's birth was prophesied for hundreds of years.

God had to send his Son to die for the sins of mankind. Satan got the keys to Planet Earth the moment Eve bit into the apple. The only way mankind could be saved was for God to sacrifice his Son.

Where does the Islamic antichrist fit in to all this? It says in Muslim eschatology that Masih-ad-Dajjal will make his appearance before Resurrection Day. He will be the end of the line of 30 false prophets who also will bear the name of Dajjal. Some of the signs that the end days are coming will be when people stop praying, there will be a huge famine, lying will be considered a virtue and people will increasingly worship Satan. It is also said that people will stop respecting older people. God help the Baby Boomer!

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