Learn More About How To Be Saved By Jesus Means

By Essie Osborn

Although human beings sinned in the garden of Aden, God is not yet through with their destiny. He still wants them back into the kingdom through repentance and humility. For this reason, God has given out his only son to die on behalf of their sins. Through the enduring mercies of God, humans are able to access the throne of God once again. God is always ready to give your sins and help you live without condemnation. For this reason, how to be saved by Jesus is a dear topic to many believers.

It is sad that some people feel useless, whenever they have done something wrong. Actually, some even decide to take their own lives out of guilt. However, this should not be the case. Even if your sins are as red as scarlet, God can make them as white as snow. Actually, after knowing the secret of repentance, God will count your sins no more.

The first step to receive salvation, is deciding that you want to get saved. You must be determined and convinced that, you want to stop your old ways of doing things and now you lay everything in Gods hand so that He directs your path. Therefore, you must accept you are a sinner and you have fallen short of the glory, and that you have accepted the lord Jesus to be the lord and savior of your soul.

When you confess to God that you are a sinner, you are then expected to repent to God. You tell Him that you have surrendered all your wrong ways, all your hatred and all your life to Him. Tell Him to write your name in the book of life, and to help you live according to His teaching. Normally, this is done in the presence of the man of God. You then pursue to live a different lifestyle than the one you were used to.

Although some people argue that confessions and repentance are the same, some difference is evident. Repentance may have a deeper meaning of sin acknowledgement. Acknowledging your sins means that, your soul, mind and heart agree that you need to take a different way. Moreover, pure repentance means that you are not willing to repeat similar mistakes at any other time.

After giving your life to Christ, you need not relax. You need to pray and read the word of God every day. This will make sure that you faith in Christ is strengthened. Again, just as the body feeds on food, the soul of a believer, feeds on the word of God.

In addition, learn to worship with other believers, where there are two or more people exalting the name of the lord, His presence is among them. It is through worship that your spirit is renewed and your heart restored.

Lastly, do not forget the importance of confessing Jesus. You need to confess your faith in Christ to your relatives, friends and fellow christens. This will keep the devil away, and remind you of whom you are.

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