Beliefs About The Muslim Antichrist And His Origin

By Essie Osborn

Islamic religion is rapidly on the increase in the world. Today, it is the world second largest religion after Christianity and the first in terms of growth.There has been great speculation and debate by different religions and believers as a whole about the possibility of a Muslim Antichrist.

Literary materials by individuals such as Joel Richardson have supported the notion that this figure will be of Islamic origin. Other writers have however remained vehemently opposed to this belief.They are more inclined to biblical interpretation that this figure will come from the western world. The question that lingers therefore is whether the Antichrist will hail from the Muslim community.

To sufficiently understand this argument, deep understanding of the happenings in the Middle East is paramount. Various authoritarian regimes have in the recent past been toppled from power in Middle East countries. Colonel Gaddafi was removed from power after more than thirty years in power. Similar incidences were experienced in Egypt, Syria and Tunisia where powerful heads of state have forced to relinquish power after decades of authoritarianism.Most of these former leaders have been executed or put into custody.

These revolts were spearheaded by the Islamic Brotherhood which has now declared itself as the Arab leadership. The professed goal of this movement is the attainment of an international caliphate; centralized Islamic rule. With this they believe that they will have enormous wealth and an age of strength. This will help in the spread of Islam all over the world.Many argue that the threat of Islam spreading beyond any national border is real.

The Brotherhood has not shied away from stating its belief that by annihilating countries like United States and Israel, it will have come closer to the great revolution that will seem the entire world turn to Islam under the leadership of their messiah (Mahdi).

Conflicts have however emerged regarding the rise of their messiah (Mahdi). Some Muslims believe that he will be elected by various Muslim government representatives while others are of the view that he will come from the lineage of Allah and shall appear from a secret place he has been living for many years.

This belief has made some in the west believe that this Mahdi will fulfill what is contained in the bible about the coming of an Antichrist. Many in the western societies have started to believe this, and so have Christians. They take that this supernatural being is the one talked about in the bible that will come and deceive the Jewish people he is the true messiah that the Christian community has long awaited.

Growth of Islam has been evident. It has infiltrated Europe, America and other parts of the world. The religion also continues to be stronger and united. Its leadership has interpreted this as a sign of emergence of the grand caliphate. These are some of the reasons that have made many predict the dominance and victory of Islam in the world as inevitable and hence the belief of an Antichrist who hails from the Islamic community.

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